Payment Reform Readiness Assessment Tool
The readiness assessment tool allows health centers to systematically self-assess their current state of readiness for engagement in value-based payment initiatives and identify opportunities to improve or maintain readiness. The tool includes a series of statements and scaled response choices for health center leadership and management staff to respond to. The tool is organized into three domains:
- Organizational leadership to pursue and guide payment reform eff orts (including leadership in the development of partnerships);
- Change management and service delivery transformation with the ability to make robust use of data and information to support payment reform eff orts (and related delivery system redesign); and
- Financial and operational analysis required for the successful participation in payment reform initiatives.
Additional resources are available at
Resource Links
Link to the NACHC Payment Reform Readiness ToolThis web-based tool helps health centers assess and identify areas for improvement in key competencies needed to successfully engage in the most prevalent and emerging payment reform models.