OVerview of the Triple & Quadruple Aim

Section IV - Acknowledgements

Guide to Improving Care Processes and Outcomes in FQHCs

Nathan Botts 0 20687

Origins and Ongoing Refinement of this Guide: The content in this resource is drawn from and builds on widely used CDS/QI tools and strategies that have evolved over the past decade. The HITEQ Center plans to continue refining this Guide based on input from users like you, so please consider sharing your feedback through the comment form.

4/17 HITEQ Highlights: Skill Sets for Health Center Security & Privacy Risk Management

A HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Alyssa Thomas 0 21724

Health Centers are made up of many different levels of IT Security & Privacy expertise, both in terms of staff skills and organizational maturity. This resource will help guide both beginners and more advanced staff and leadership to understanding how to best manage and promote security and privacy risk management at their health center.

5/9 HITEQ Highlights: Using Data for Population Health - Social Determinants and Population Health

A HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Alyssa Thomas 0 25666

The objective of this learning opportunity is to help health centers begin, and make progress along, the path of using social determinants data to address population health using HIT.  This webinar will provide participants with an understanding of population health management and the social determinants of health from a HIT perspective, and their relevance for health centers.  We will present real-world examples of health centers’ successful use of social determinants data to implement population health management and improve quality.  Participants will be introduced to a “Roadmap for Use of Social Determinants Data”, to guide them in the foundational steps of using social determinants data for HIT to drive population health. 

HITEQ & Health IT Events