Health Center Controlled Network Profile
Event date: 5/16/2017 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Export event
WannaCry Threat Intelligence Briefing

WannaCry Threat Intelligence Briefing

A HIStalk Webinar

Sensato CEO and cybersecurity reseaercher John Gomez will present an HIStalk-sponsored free webinar on Tuesday, May 16 at 1:00 p.m. ET titled “WannaCry Threat Intelligence Briefing.” John will provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of WannaCry as well as a technical review of how it operates and possible go-forward cybersecurity impacts. John will also present technical and regulatory counter-measures you should consider, specific to healthcare organizations.

John Gomez

Mr. Gomez is currently the CEO of Sensato, a cyber-security and privacy healthcare company,  JGo Labs, a product design and management consulting firm, and Group Espada, which provides counter-terrorism services.  Previously, Mr. Gomez was the Chief Technology Officer/Co-President of Allscripts, a leading provider of healthcare information solutions.  Mr. Gomez was also the CTO of Eclipsys and WebMD and worked at Microsoft in various capacities.

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